Friday, January 3, 2020

Project Management for Family Day - 793 Words

Introduction Company ABC is a small company consist of 100 employees in total. To facilitate bonding between the employees and their family and enhance relationships between co-workers, company ABC will make a family day that will be held in Chinese Garden on 1st of July 2013. In this family day, employees and their family will participate in some activities that has been arranged by company. Project Scope Statement Project Objective The objective from these activities are happy employees with stronger relationship between each other. It also expected to give a new positive atmosphere in the workplace. To achieve it, there are some activities that will be done. Those activities will be divided into teenage-adults, family and kids.†¦show more content†¦Baseball game will have two teams with 9 member (around 2 families) each, each game will be provided 3 balls, 1 bat and 8 gloves. For volleyball, it can fit 12 persons that divided into 2 teams in each game, on this game will be provided by 2 volleyballs and 1 net. Cooking competition equipment 1 small stove, 2 knifes, 2 bowls, 1 cutting board, 1 frying pan, 3 plates and the salad ingredients will be provided. One for each family, there will be 10 family competing on this competition. Kids zone activities, handicarfts stuff, scissor, glue, coloured plastic, origami, and wire are provided. On painting section, brush, canvas, and paint will be given to each kids. Lastly, percussion instrument will be provided. Limits and Exclusions Employees need to bring their own cap, change of clothes and apron. Those things are not provided by committee. Reviews with Customer For this family day, we have four sponsors. Faber castel for painting equipments, SBS transit for shuttle bus, DBS, and Yamaha for percussion instruments. 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