Thursday, December 26, 2019

Ethical Issues of the Enron Scandal A Potential Solution

Ethical Issues of the Enron Scandal: A potential solution Enrons entire scandal was based on a foundation of lies characterized by the most brazen and most unethical accounting and business practices that will forever have a place in the hall of scandals that have shamed American history. To the outside, Enron looked like a well run, innovative company. This was largely a result of self-created businesses or ventures that were made off the balance sheet. These side businesses would sell stock, reporting profits, but not reporting losses. Treating these businesses off the balance sheet meant that Enron pretended that these businesses were autonomous, separate firms. But, if the new business made money, Enron would report it as income. If the new business lost money or borrowed money, the losses and debt were not reported by Enron ( As the Management Guru website explains, these tactics were alls designed to make Enron look like a more profitable company and to give it a higher stock price. Unfortunately, scandals like Enron ar e not isolated incidents and the last decade has offered Americans a disheartening perspective with comparable scandals like that of WorldCom and Tyco, Sunbeam, Global Crossing and many more. Companies have a concrete responsibility not just to their investors but to society as a whole to have practices which deter corporate greed and looting and which actively and effectively work to prevent such things from happening. ThisShow MoreRelatedLegal And Regulatory Environments And Ethics1712 Words   |  7 Pagesattention should be paid on the ethical standards, corporate governance feature and codes of ethical conduct. 2. 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